Analysis on permeability of key water isolated stratum under seam floor and under stress function 漳村矿峰峰组隔水关键层孔隙性实验研究应力作用下煤层底板关键隔水层渗透性分析
To realize reconfiguration of real-time embedded systems and reach the shop floor level open ability, a function separated design method for real-time embedded system was proposed. 通过此方法在机床控制器开发中的应用和用户级开发实例,验证了该方法的可行性,系统功能的可重构性和用户级开放也得到了实现。
Sets slant columns utilizing the inverse trapezoidal shape of the building to support girders of floor, satisfies the demand of big space service function without column within exhibition hall. 依建筑外形设置斜柱,为楼盖大梁提供竖向支承,满足了展厅内没有柱子的大空间使用功能要求。
The diagnostic value of cine MRI in pelvic floor disfunction Correlation Between Eating Disorders and Family Function of Female University Students in Beijing cineMRI对女性盆底功能障碍性疾病的诊断价值北京女大学生进食障碍与家庭功能关系调查
Conclusion Compared to elective caesarean section, vaginal delivery affect more on the pelvic floor function. 结论阴道分娩近期对盆底功能的影响大于选择性剖宫产。
Study on Pelvic Floor Muscle Function Barrier of Post-natal Feminine and Its Rehabilitation Training 产后女性盆底肌功能障碍及康复锻炼的研究
The utility model discloses a multipurpose floor electric fan, belonging to the expansion of the use function of a floor electric fan. 一种多用途的落地式电扇属落地式电扇的使用功能的扩展。
The Initial Investigation on the Setup of Community Health Care Service Center in Factory Floor in Shenzhen and Its Serving Function 深圳市厂区社区健康服务中心的设置及其服务功能的初步探讨
Conclusion Postpartum pelvic floor muscle function training can be effective in preventing postpartum incontinence patients, the effect is significant, worthy of clinical use. 结论对产妇产后进行盆底肌功能训练可有效地防止患者出现产后尿失禁,效果显著,值得在临床推广使用。
Effect of Vaginal Delivery on Pelvic Floor Muscles Function and Clinical Application Study of Postpartum Rehabilitation 阴道分娩对盆底肌功能的影响及产后康复治疗的临床应用研究
Of course, can also be appropriate and sprinkle some water on the floor, can also play the humidification function. 当然,也可以在地板上适当洒些水,同样可以起到加湿的作用。
Impact of Hysterectomy on Pelvic Floor Function 全子宫切除手术对盆底功能影响的研究
Daybed sets are really good in houses that have little floor space because it has dual function. 集真的很好,在房子不大的楼面空间,因为它具有双重功能。
Objective we aim to investigate mechanism of Pelvic Floor Dyfunction ( PFD) in nulliparous childbearing women during the third trimester pregnancy and effect on restore of pelvic floor function via postpartum Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation ( ExMI). 研究目的了解初产女性妊娠晚期盆底功能的变化,探讨妊娠晚期发生盆底功能障碍性疾病(PFD)发生的可能机制;
Considering the need of this task in plant floor, Author designed configuration software, built the frame of software, and completed the function. 结合本课题的工业现场的需求,设计了本系统的组态式监控软件,搭建了软件框架,完成了图形界面、实时数据库系统、趋势图及报表设计等模块的功能设计。
The organize model contains information about employee, department, group and role, and the MES manufacturing process of shop floor was described by the business model and the information of function configuration for activity was recorded with it. 组织模型反映含人员、组织、组和角色的组织结构,业务模型描述车间MES工作过程并记录过程活动的功能配置信息。
The ratio of a floor motion to the basement motion is defined as transfer function. 各层楼板相应于基础运动的比值称为传递函数。
The effects of mediolateral episiotomy on pelvic floor function after vaginal delivery 会阴侧切术对阴道分娩后骨盆底组织功能的影响
Conclusions Most spina bifida patients lose the ability to voluntarily contract their external anal sphincter, presenting with pelvic floor dysfunction during straining maneuver and severe rectal sensation function damage. 结论大多数脊柱裂患者不能自主收缩肛门外括约肌,排便时表现为盆底功能紊乱型直肠肛管压力曲线,同时直肠感觉功能也受到严重损害。
Shop floor management is an important ingredient in the enterprise management. Working flow of shop floor management based on the theory of Constraints is discussed, the function model of system is presented. 车间作业管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,该文讨论了基于TOC理论的车间作业管理的工作流程,给出了车间作业管理系统的功能模型。
An experimental study on the influence of electrical pelvic floor stimulation to the goats 'urethral function 盆底肌电刺激对羊尿道功能影响的实验研究
Using the Fujian theatre and Daqing theatre as examples, it is concluded that the frame shear-wall structure is adopted, and the relative floor distribution should base on the different function of the rooms. 以福建大剧院和大庆大剧院为例,总结出大剧院的抗侧力体系应选择框架-剪力墙结构,不同使用功能的空间应采用不同的楼板布置方法。
Objective To study the effect of pelvic floor electric stimulation on bladder function in goats. 目的探讨电刺激对膀胱功能的影响。
Anorectal and pelvic floor function: 1 The muscles 直肠肛管盆底功能研究:1.盆底肌功能X线解剖学分析
Now setting transfer floor has become an important measure to transfer upside structure load with the change of constructions function. 随着使用功能的变化,设置转换层已成为传递上部结构荷载的重要手段,同时上部结构荷载的增加,使得转换层的结构尺寸往往较大,这将给施工带来许多新的课题。
By combining the original external wall and the frame into a monolithic structure, it not only has the original looks preserved, but also satisfies structural requirement, enlarges usable floor area and improves operating function. 原外墙与框架合成整体,既保留了原貌,又满足了结构要求,扩大了使用面积,并改善了使用功能。
The function of pelvic floor muscle is blocking the pelvic floor and sustaining the organs of cavitas pelvis to exercise their function respectively. 盆底肌,即盆底肌肉,是指封闭骨盆底的肌肉群。这一肌肉群维持盆腔器官正常位置以便行使其功能。
The structure of control-execution-planning is broken by integrating the ground floor control system and the MES control function module. And the independent control of basic equipment is realized through PCS-MES-ERP integration system interactions. 打破控制层-执行层-计划层的结构限制,集成了底层控制系统与MES控制功能模块,通过底层机床-MES-ERP的一体化系统交互,实现底层设备的自主控制。
Different factors, such as age, BMI, mode of delivery and menopause, can influence normal female pelvic floor function. Based on our research, it had tentative trend how those factors influence female pelvic floor support structure. 观察不同年龄、BMI指数、分娩方式及绝经情况对女性盆底支持结构功能状态的影响,初步得出正常女性在这些影响因素下盆底支持结构功能的变化趋势。